Photo Book
Development Alternatives
Art direction, Creative direction
project category
01 The Brief
Custodians of the nation’s nutrition, wanted to train the country’s frontline health workers on the basics of nutrition.
Food Safety and Standards Authority of India – FSSAI is an organisation entrusted with promoting good nutritional practices at national level.
In addition to its mandate of enforcing standards through licensing of food producers and distributors, it also runs a number of Public Behaviour Change Campaigns. One such campaign was the ‘Eat Right Campaign’, which aimed at raising the public awareness on the different aspects of nutrition.
As a part of this campaign, a video based course for the country’s frontline health workers was planned. The course was financed by the World Bank.
02 What we did
A 14 part thought-provoking and engrossing course on Nutrition.
On going through the diversity and depth of the topics to be covered by the course, we felt that it was important to make the videos engaging enough to ensure that the viewers go through the entire course.
We decided to make use of multiple narrative formats to break the monotony. In the 14 part series, we tried to make each video unique in its approach. We utilised multiple formats like talk-shows, fiction, animation, muppetary and infographics in the series.
We conducted 3 trips each to four representative villages